2011 年基督復臨安息日會北美華人帳棚大會
2011 North America Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church Campmeeting

Speakers' Topics 講題

Johnny Wong 黃俊宜

Friday, July 1, 7:30 pm: "Homeward Bound - A Journey"
"This world is not my home, I am just a passing through" - an old time song that the speaker and us all had sung. In giving glory to God, our speaker shares his testimony of how God brought him back on a homeward bound journey.  How did God allow him to leave a senior management position for a NASDAQ company to see a bolder, greater, God-given vision? Perhaps a similar vision God is ready to bestow on you! Come and start your visionary journey!

7 月 1 日星期五晚上 7:30 - 主題:天路旅程

Sabbath & Sunday 7:00 am - Morning Devotion: "Homeward Bound - Our Daily Journey"
Morning devotional will be short and simple tips in getting the most of Bible reading, prayer and quiet time.

安息日及星期日早上 7:00 -  晨鐘主題:天路旅程中的日日夜夜

Sabbath, July 2, 11:00 am: "Homeward Bound - When?"
Some are looking at time prophecy charts, looking to Rome, looking for new light to determine how close it will be going our Heaven bound home. Is this where we should be looking? Is the earth not already groaning with earthquakes, environmental disasters, unusual climate patterns and other events that even secular commentators are concern about? By studying a profound chapter in Revelation, the speaker uncovers when we will be homeward bound.

7 月 2 日安息日早上 11:00 - 証道主題:何時起程回天家

Workshop Series - "Homeward bound - As a Family"
研討會 -主的家庭一同回天家

Sabbath afternoon 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Workshop #1 - Why do 70% of young people leave the church?
Workshop #2 - Bringing young people on a homeward bound journey

7 月 2 日安息日下午 2:30 – 4:30

Sunday morning 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Workshop #3 - Four missing ingredients in the young people - causing them to leave
Workshop #4 - How to rebuild these 4 ingredients?
Q & A

7 月 3 日星期日 早上 9:30 – 下午 1:00

In this workshop series we will look at the greatest concern for most adults and parents in our church - why are we losing our youth and young adults? Will our own kids or grandkids be next? Do we just accept this is norm? That they need to wonder in the world before coming back to God? Maybe you are a young adult and you want to help your friends. You want to bring them home. This workshop is for you!

It is not just the young people, we see too many people who had walked out the back door. It is discouraging the local church. How do we overcome this issue?

We will look at a case study at Gateway Adventist Centre, Melbourne, which had grown from 20 members to two churches and planting a third. It has seen close to 100 young people baptized in the last 8 years but it has a 93% retention rate. We will study the principles that rescue, retain and reclaim the young people on a homeward bound journey to heaven.




Dr. Benjamin & Esther Lau 劉漢新醫生夫婦

Sabbath, July 2, 2:30 pm: Global epidemic of cancer--why?
We'll present information from the epidemiological and scientific studies, and, the Bible showing why there is a global epidemic of cancer, particularly why Christians get cancer. Does the Bible have information on prevention and treatment of cancer? Come and find out.

Sabbath, July 2, 3:30 pm: New strategies for winning the war on cancer
The war on cancer has long been won. Unfortunately, people either do not believe it or know it. The new strategies are actually very old strategies--because they are found in the Bible. We are excited to share with you the life-saving information.

Sunday, July 3, 10:00 am: Stopping the Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a collection of several signs and symptoms that increase the risk of a person developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Fifty million people in the U.S. have it but most of them do not know it. Come and find out if you have it. If you do, don't worry, we'll show you how to eliminate it.

Sunday, July 3, 11:00 am: How to prevent dying from respiratory infections?
Each year 180,000 people in America die of complications of flu and pneumonia in spite of advances in medical science and technology. We'll share with you the simple methods our patients have used to prevent dying from the respiratory diseases

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Last Updated: 2011-06-17 CM

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