2011 年基督復臨安息日會北美華人帳棚大會
2011 North America Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church Campmeeting

7 月 1 日星期五至 7 月 3 日星期日
Friday, July 1 to Sunday, July 3


Program Schedule 詳細節目時間表
Weather Forecast 天氣預報
Fahrenheit/US units 華氏/美制單位
Celsius/metric units 攝氏/公制單位

Driving map and directions 駕駛地圖及路線查詢

1. Please be familiarized with the Camp Rules.
2. Do not bring food or store food in cars due to wildlife control issues.
3. Cabin users should bring their own bedsheets/blankets/sleeping bags and pillows. Insect repellants are also recommended.
4. Only AT&T and Verizon cellular phones will work at the Camp.
5. The Camp and all programs operated on Pacific Standard Time (one hour behind Pacific Daylight Time). Due to this and signal issues, do not rely solely on your cellular phone to provide time. Bring a watch if necessary.
6. Due to Camp regulations, all day attendees are required to register ($25, includes three meals) without exception. All Sabbath attendees should register as early as possible.

1. 請詳細閱讀營地規則
2. 因野生動物緣故請勿自攜食物更不要在車內儲存食物
3. 住小屋者應自攜床單/毛毯或睡袋及枕頭也應帶備驅蟲噴劑
4. 營內只有 AT&TVerizon 手機信號
5. 營地和所有節目均以太平洋標準時間 (太平洋夏令時間減一小時) 進行加上斷訊緣故切勿單憑手機時鐘看時間需要者請帶備手表
6. 因營法規所限日營參加者必需登記 ($25包括三餐)所有安息日赴會者請盡快交表報名

Objective 目的

  • To renew and rekindle friendships
  • To have spiritual reawakening among the members
  • To visit health issues so we can live a more productive life
  • To learn skills to lead others to return to our heavenly home
  • To unite all the Chinese Seventh-day Adventist churches in North America

Venue 地點

Camp Cedar Falls 
39850 State Highway 38, Angelus Oaks, San Bernardino County, California

Speakers 講員

Johnny Wong




Benjamin Lau, MD, PhD
Esther Lau
, MS, RD

Speakers' topics and summaries 講題詳述

Accommodation and Registration 住宿及報名

Accommodation details 住宿詳情

Two nights accommodation includes six meals 兩晚住宿六餐
每人 $80-$190
per person

Sabbath day attendance includes 3 meals 安息日日營連三餐
每人 $25 per person

Registration Form 報名表:
Front Page 前面 (Revised) / Back Page 背面 / Camp Rules 營地守則

Beginning June 18, please mail all registrations to Camp Cedar Falls.
6 月 18 日起, 報名表請寄往營地.

Program 節目

Detailed program schedule 詳細節目時間表

Transportation 交通

Driving map and directions, distances from area churches and airports
駕駛地圖, 路線, 來往附近地區教會和機場的距離

聯絡 Contact
Chinese.Campmeeting@gmail.com or your local Chinese SDA Church pastors and representatives.

Last Updated: 2011-06-30 CM

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